Fall Director’s Message

The leaves are changing colors, the weather is cooler, and the days are shorter.  We all know what that means here in New England…  The end of Summer, the settling in of August and the end of the classic car season rapidly approaching.   I hope you all had a great season and that everyone is doing well.  

There is still one more event we can attend as a club.  The Annual Gathering of the Car Clubs at Wright’s farm is Sunday November 3rd.  We currently have a reservation for 25 people at 11:30AM.  Please RSVP to me with a count before October 26 so that we can increase the reservation if needed.  The cost for the meal is $25.50 per person, that includes taxes and gratuity. The Buick club will contribute $10.50 for members and one guest.  Others are welcome but will need to pay the full amount.  Again, please e-mail me (jgriffin_iii@hotmail.com) by October 26 and let me know if you are attending and how many people.  Thanks! 

I am also working on a new venue for our January business meeting.  The current front runner is Mick Morgan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant on Route 1.  They have a nice room in the back that can handle 40 or 50 people.  If anyone has other suggestions, please let me know and I will check them out.

I hope to see everyone in November and hope that you have a wonderful Fall and Holiday season!

John Griffin

Summer Director’s Message

June 2024 Director’s Message


Let me start off my apologizing to all of you.  I have been remiss in my duties the past few months, life has gotten away from me.  Things appear to be settling down now and I hope the trend continues.

Summer is about to start (at least as far as the calendar is concerned). As for the weather, it’s been less than cooperative.  I hope you all had a nice spring and that your Buick’s are in tip top shape now.  The next two major events are the Bay State Show at the Endicott Estate in Dedham on Sunday July 14.  We have an expanded area this year.  To be part of the Buick club section, you should register as class “BC”.  Our all Buick show is scheduled for Sunday August 4 at Brewster Ambulance in Brockton (rain date August 11).  That’s the same venue we used last year.  

We do have Colt State Park in RI scheduled for July 21.  I need to finalize that with them, hopefully in the next few days.  

Please let me know if anyone is willing to organize get togethers for the club.  The more the merrier!!

John Griffin 



Sunday, March 10, 2024. 8:30-11:00 am. BRUNCH: A time well spent.
It was an eventful day for the Minuteman Chapter. Director John Griffin’s preparation left no
loose ends. All went smoothly. Everything; food quality as well dutiful service contributed to
*In attendance; Jack Welch, John and Jane Griffin, Dave Shipman and Diane Morisi,
Paul Wellington, Larry Legor, Brian and Pam Frye, Steve Parent and Christine Skalubinski,
John Hosken, Steve Goodman, George and Eileen Diggle, Michael Durrant,
Henry and Barbara Imondi.
*Jack Welch gave an update as to what is taking place in the BCA. There is the Buick Museum with deliberation as to where it will be located; may open in 2025. Also, changes to judging Buicks at shows were mentioned. The BCA financial and operational status is in good condition.
Jack will also be running for another term as President of the BCA and asks for our support
which undoubtedly will receive. Please keep informed by reading Jack’s column in each new
issue of the Bugle.
*Larry Legor was presented by John Griffin with a regulation BCA jacket and crystal trophy in recognition of his accomplishments in serving our chapter as Director 2017-2023.
*A presentation was given regarding MMC events to be held througout the year.
-March 23rd Saturday, Piston Palace, Warwick, RI (reservations now closed).
April 13th Saturday, 9am, a one hour private tour of Waterworks Museum, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Limited parking available on site.
May 11th Saturday 10am, Paintworks Unlimited, Dover, NH. A tour for BUICK MEMBERS of a
restoration shop owned and operated by Sean LaRose, a MMC/BCA member. Food, drink,
available for purchase on site. Rain date 05/25.
The above events are CONFIRMED.
There are more CONFIRMED events throughout 2024.
SUNDAY, JULY 14th. MMC has been granted
ADDITIONAL space (same LOCATION as in 2023) for
PARKING TOGETHER. That PRIME area produced
NEW membership to OUR chapter last year.
THIS is a seldom presented opportunity
Three trophies to be awarded to BUICKS.
Keep informed.

Greetings!                                                                              February 2024                   

For those of you who don’t know me, I am John Griffin.  I am the newly elected director of the Minute Man Chapter of the Buick Club of America.  Let me start off by saying “Thank you” to Larry Legor.  He has navigated our club for the past few years through very challenging times and has done a fantastic job.  I have been an assistant director for a few years now and Larry’s leadership has been invaluable.  I will most likely be leaning on him for advice going forward.

The assistant directors and I have been busy planning out the 2024 season.  We have at least one event every month from now until November!  Should be a great year.  Please check the web site periodically for the latest information.  We are also open to additional opportunities to gather (either informally or formally), if you have any suggestions, please contact one of us so that we can discuss it.  We are ALWAYS on the hunt for new and different experiences and venues to visit and show off our cars.

My initial goals for the club are:

  • Streamline and facilitate communication within the club.  Both from the directors to the members and among the members themselves.  Member discussion and feedback is essential.
  • Explore more of our club’s geography.  Due to the pandemic, most of our events have been concentrated in a small geographic area.  This year we have tried to expand that circle somewhat, but I would like to start planning an overnight cruise or two for the coming years.
  • Grow the membership.
  • Increase participation in the club activities and planning. As in many clubs it seems like 90% of the work is done by 10% of the members.  I know that’s an exaggeration, but it does seem like it’s mostly the same people who come forward to plan or do things. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions.  My email address is jgriffin_iii@hotmail.com and my cell phone number is 781-439-0164.

Let’s make 2024 a growth and rejuvenation year for the MMC!

John Griffin

** ELECTIONS Jan 21, 2024**

The results are In: Director: John Griffin; Senior Assistant Director: Steve Parent; Junior Assistant Director: Henry Imondi; Treasurer: Hal Lund; and Secretary: Larry Perry … and appointed: Membership Chair: Nancy Dann; Tour Directors: Henry and Barbara Imondi, and Web Master: Mike Mikush. Congratulations to All !

January 21, 2024 Holiday Luncheon


Jack Welch as President !!

It is an accomplishment worthy of note that our own Jack Welch has been elected president of the national Buick Club of America (BCA).

In April of 1981 Jack founded our Minuteman chapter (MMC), a local chapter of the national club.  He has been an active member of both organizations ever since.

The September 2023 edition of the Buick Bugle has a photo of Jack on Page 6 and his thoughts on the current state of the BCA.